
Prop 16

a YES vote supports this constitutional amendment to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.
a NO vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby keeping Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.

Official Arguments (click ▸ to expand)

✅ Support
🚫 Opposition

✅ San Francisco Chronicle

"Nearly a quarter of a century ago, California voters passed the deceptively named California Civil Rights Initiative. But Proposition 209 was not about advancing civil rights. It was about prohibiting the consideration of race and gender in public education, employment and contracting. ... It was just about shutting the door on efforts to overcome those institutional barriers to the full participation of women and minorities. It was wrong in 1996, when it was passed by 55% of California voters, and it is wrong now. It should be repealed."

🤐 The San Diego Union-Tribune

No stance published.

✅ American Civil Liberties Union SoCal

"Vote to reinstate affirmative action in California.

Prop 16 would restore affirmative action in public education, public employment and public contracting after a nearly 25-year ban. Today in California, many people are currently discriminated against in getting state contracts, employment, pay, and education based on who they are or where they come from. Vote YES on Prop 16 to directly address systemic racism and gender discrimination and ensure everyone in California has equal access to good jobs, good wages, and quality schools."

✅ Los Angeles Times

"The death of George Floyd, yet another unarmed Black man killed by police, and the COVID-19 pandemic‘s disproportionate toll on Black and Latino Americans have been a wake-up call for this country. We must act to dismantle the racism baked into our institutions, and voting yes on Proposition 16 on Nov. 3 will help. ... If we want to live in a country that better reflects our national narrative of equal opportunity, we have to build it. That means using the right tools, such as affirmative action. Vote yes on Proposition 16."

✅ The Mercury News

"The events of this year have highlighted the level of racial injustice that exists across the nation, including California. The disparity between Black and Latino residents and their White counterparts is readily apparent when it comes to income, health, education and the criminal justice system. Reducing those disparities will require a major effort on multiple fronts. Proposition 16 would give the state’s universities and government a valuable tool they need to fight existing structural inequalities."

🚫 Orange County Register

"With or without Prop. 209, we can count on public institutions continuing to reflect the diversity of the state and continuing to provide opportunities to Californians of all backgrounds. California can continue to build on its reputation as a wonderfully diverse state without government judging people based on their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Ultimately, we don’t think the case has been made for scrapping Prop. 209 and the fundamental principle of treating all people on equal terms."

✅ The Desert Sun

"Though Proposition 16 only addresses elimination of Proposition 209’s constitutional language, which specifically addresses state and local public agency conduct, greater efforts to bring underrepresented people into all ranks and levels in the already highly diverse civil workplace and government contracting universe can only help to greater diversify and strengthen the ranks of the private sector. Giving those previously disadvantaged — due in large part to life circumstances often strongly determined by their race or gender — “a leg onto the ladder” in the public education and civil sector world will help them transition to other “ladders,” if they choose, in the private sector."

✅ California Democratic Party

"End the ban on affirmative action to level the playing field for women and communities of color."

🚫 Republican Party

"Creates Government Quotas for Employment, Contacting & Education

Prop 16 repeals a constitutional protection that ensures every Californian is treated equally and instead enacts government quotas for employment, contracting and education."