
Prop 17

a YES vote supports this constitutional amendment to allow people on parole for felony convictions to vote.
a NO vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby continuing to prohibit people who are on parole for felony convictions from voting.

Official Arguments (click ▸ to expand)


✅ San Francisco Chronicle

"Would restore voting rights of people on parole who have finished their state or federal prison terms."

✅ The San Diego Union-Tribune

"Yes on Prop. 17: Help felons reintegrate into society by letting them vote.

People who make mistakes shouldn’t be given up on."

✅ American Civil Liberties Union SoCal

"Vote to restore voting rights for people reentering.

Prop 17 will restore voting rights to 50,000 people in California who are returning home after finishing their prison term. It allows them to reintegrate into society and have a say in our democracy. Vote YES on Prop 17 to help reverse a racist form of voter suppression that disproportionately locks Black and brown voters out of the ballot box. It’s time to free the vote."

✅ Los Angeles Times

"In California, felons who have served their time in prison are denied the right to vote until they finish their parole. That’s an obstacle they don’t need as they reintegrate into society."

✅ The Mercury News

"Proposition 17 would extend voting rights to people on parole. We urge support to show respect and encouragement to fellow Californians who are trying to rebuild their lives."

✅ Orange County Register

"Parolees who have done their time should have their voting rights restored."

🚫 The Desert Sun

“Rather than additional punishment, we see maintaining the status quo that prevents a parolee from voting until completion of that obligation as encouragement that, added to rehabilitation and other social programs offered, will help successfully reintegrate these persons into society. The average parole period in California is about three years. This is not an undue burden.”

✅ California Democratic Party

"Restores voting rights to Californians who have completed their prison term. Free the Vote!"


"Allows Felons to Vote

Prop 17 allows felons convicted of murder, rape, sexual abuse against children, kidnapping, assault, and human trafficking the right to vote before completing their sentence, including parole."