
Prop 18

a YES vote supports this constitutional amendment to allow 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primary elections and special elections.
a NO vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thereby continuing to prohibit 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primary elections and special elections.

Official Arguments (click ▸ to expand)


✅ San Francisco Chronicle

"The idea isn’t a wholesale lowering of the voting age. It’s built on logic that links the sorting out of candidates in primaries with the eventual final choice in a general election. The young people envisioned in the proposition would have a crack at both votes, choosing the first cut of contenders and then taking part in the final runoff. It allows for a full cycle in the political game."

✅ The San Diego Union-Tribune

"One lamentable aspect of U.S. politics in the Donald Trump era is the disappearance of the bipartisan consensus that voting should be encouraged to give people a stake in their democracy. Vote yes on Proposition 18 to give more young people that stake."

✅ American Civil Liberties Union SoCal

"Vote to give 17-year-olds a say on important issues affecting their lives.

Prop 18 will expand voting rights to 17-year-olds by allowing them to vote in a primary or special election if they will be 18 by the time of the next general election and are otherwise eligible to vote. Vote YES on Prop 18 to give 17-year-olds a say on important issues affecting their everyday lives. Let’s make our democracy more inclusive."

✅ Los Angeles Times

"In California we have an added reason to let some 17-year-olds vote — our top-two primary system. Except for presidential elections, voters in California primaries don’t select which candidates will represent the various political parties on the November ballot, but rather they select from all the candidates which two will face off in November. (In some races, there won’t even be a runoff if a candidate gets more than 50% of the vote in the primary.) It makes sense that the teens who will be eligible to vote in a general election should also help decide whose names will be on that ballot."

🚫 The Mercury News

🚫 Orange County Register

"There is no compelling reason to extend the right to vote to those who are 17, especially considering there are plenty of avenues for politically interested young people to be involved in the political process at a younger age, including working on campaigns, helping candidates get out the vote, speaking their minds and educating themselves."

🚫 The Desert Sun

"Pre-registration of young people beginning at age 16 already gives those eager to join the process a tangible step toward voting, which should remain a goal they’ll attain at age 18. It is definitely worth waiting for. Vote "no" on Proposition 18."

✅ California Democratic Party

Allows those who turn age 18 by a November general election to vote in that year’s primary elections.

🚫 Republican Party

"Lowers the Voting Age

Prop 17 lowers the voting age for many young Californians to just 17 in Primary Elections. This means high school seniors would be voting for important tax measures only adults would pay."